Second-Temple and Rabbinic Judaism; Psuedepigrapha


Online Critical Pseudepigrapha

Original texts for a lot of the Pseudepigrapha, sometimes even an online critical edition. Work in-progress.

Pseudepigrapha, Apocrypha and Sacred Writings

Old Testament Apocrypha
From the Wesley Center Online.

Early Jewish Writings
Tanakh, Deuterocanon, Pseudepigraphia, Philo and Josephus (mostly) in English

More Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Project

Josephus translations and commentaries at the Project for Ancient Cultural Engagement
Free, new English scholarly translation and commentary on Josephus (courtesy of Brill), facing Niese’s Greek text.

Babylonian Talmud

Online Talmud
In Hebrew and Aramaic.

Polonsky Foundation Digitization Project
This projects aims to make numerous Vatican holdings in Hebrew, Greek and other languages available online.


Ancient Lives
A project which seeks to translate the Oxyrhynchus Papyri through open-source collaboration.

Enoch Seminar Long-term working group on the apocalypses and pseudepigrapha, from the Second-Temple period through the advent of Islam. For updates, see their twitter.


4 Enoch

Second-Temple/Pseudepigrapa Wiki. Useful online reference tool.

UCLA’s Armenian Studies Links

Lots of pseudepigrapha is preserved in Armenian.

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